Exciting News
I have recently been accepted into the 2014 Smithsonian Craft Show. This is a show I have applied to for years with no success, and finally the Smithsonian roulette wheel has landed on my number. I am very excited to be a first-time exhibitor at this very prestigious event. It will be held in the National Building Museum on April 10 – 14. About 120 exhibitors of the highest quality. Hope to see you there.
4 Responses and Counting...
Congrats Terry. We purchased a box from you at a show in Chicago and couldn’t be happier. So unique.
Terry, wonderful news. We met in Bellevue, WA at the A&C show about three years back. I have long admired your work. Best of luck,
Hi Terry, are you still making boxes?
Yes, I am. Not doing a good job of keeping my web site current. You can find some of my work at Medicine Man Gallery – https://www.medicinemangallery.com/western-fine-art/southwestern-wood-bowls-boxes/evans-terry